
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Cirrus Assessment



After March 8th a candidate started to answer an exam question and was thrown out of the exam (e.g. internet issues). After logging back in again, without closing the browser, Cirrus integrity measures would inadvertently reject their answers; with repeated "Question answer was not saved" / "Last answer ID is not valid" errors appearing in their invigilation log. CR-18018

Regular candidates, or candidates that restarted their browser, were not affected.

Root Cause

A bug had been introduced in the service that checks candidate integrity after reconnection. 


  • A bugfix was released as a hotfix on March 15th.
  • All affected customers were provided detailed information.
  • All lost answers were restored by March 23rd (as communicated on March 15th)

Preventative Measures

  • [DONE] Development process: notify QA of any refactoring
  • [DONE] Answer restore tool developed and tested
  • [DONE] Include scenario in regression test.
Posted Mar 25, 2022 - 19:03 CET


Hotfix was succesfully released and tested this morning.
Posted Mar 15, 2022 - 13:16 CET


*Update: we're able to release it tomorrow (Tuesday) morning* as our testing has already been successfully completed.
Posted Mar 14, 2022 - 19:03 CET


Announcing a minimal impact release of a hotfix for the Cirrus platform.

The release will address the following item(s):

This fixes a regression introduced with the March 8th release in case a candidate started to answer an exam question and was thrown out of the exam (e.g. internet issues). After logging back in again, without closing the browser, Cirrus integrity measures would inadvertently reject their answers; with repeated "Question answer was not saved" / "Last answer ID is not valid" erroring appear in their invigilation log. CR-18018

Regular candidates, or candidates that restarted their browser, were not affected.

For more details please visit the Cirrus Release Notes page.

Time of release per hosted region:
EU: 06:00 CEST
CA: 06:00 CEST
SG: 21:00 SGT
AU: 00:00 AEST
Posted Mar 14, 2022 - 18:16 CET
This scheduled maintenance affected: EU Assessment Management (Dublin) (Scheduling (EU), Marking (EU), Authoring - Library/Assessments (EU), Administration (EU), Auxiliary - Services (EU)), EU Candidate Delivery (Dublin) (Candidate Delivery incl Proctoring API (EU), Single Sign-On SAML 2.0 / LTI (EU), Invigilation (EU)), AU Candidate Delivery (Sydney) (Candidate Delivery incl Proctoring API (AU), Single Sign-On SAML 2.0 / LTI (AU), Invigilation (AU)), AU Assessment Management (Sydney) (Scheduling (AU), Marking (AU), Authoring - Library/Assessments (AU), Administration (AU), Auxiliary - Services (AU)), SG Candidate Delivery (Singapore) (Candidate Delivery incl Proctoring API (SG), Single Sign-On SAML 2.0 / LTI (SG), Invigilation (SG)), SG Assessment Management (Singapore) (Scheduling (SG), Marking (SG), Authoring - Library/Assessments (SG), Administration (SG), Auxiliary - Services (SG)), CA Candidate Delivery (Montreal) (Candidate Delivery incl Proctoring API (CA), Single Sign-On SAML 2.0 / LTI (CA), Invigilation (CA)), and CA Assessment Management (Montreal) (Scheduling (CA), Marking (CA), Authoring - Library/Assessments (CA), Administration (CA), Auxiliary - Services (CA)).